Saturday, June 2, 2007

We're kind of late getting in our garden this year. A couple of months ago, Mike and the boys planted the potatoes and onions (which are doing well), and peas and beans (which all died). Our peas have died every year and I'm not sure why. Our beans have never done well, but this is the first time they all died.

A month and a half or so ago we got the corn planted, and this week we've finally planted in the corn patch pole beans to grow up the corn, and pumpkin, watermelon, cantalaupe, yellow squash, and zucchini to grow between the rows.

In May the tomatoes went in, and yesterday I planted some basil to grow with the tomatoes, plus some marigold seeds. (Now I just have to keep the chickens from taking their dustbaths there!)

It doesn't look like much written down here, but all this, plus all the weeding, means that instead of having our Morning Time the kids and I have been gardening in the morning before it gets too hot, then around eleven I'll come in, take a shower, and lie down while the older girls get lunch ready. After lunch we have our "Morning Time" and then the little ones have naps (and sometimes I do, too). After supper we'll go back out work and for another hour or so with Mike.

Well, the older folks work - the little ones help for awhile and then start running around chasing lightening bugs.

I love this time of year.

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