Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An Experiment in Audioblogging: Shakespeare's Sonnet 30

So I got this wild idea that instead of continually telling y'all you should read poetry aloud, I'd just read it to you. I haven't figured out how to get a plain audio file onto Blogger yet, so I made the sound file, then added some images using Window's Live Movie Maker, and posted it on YouTube. It's a little under three minutes long, of which about a third is the actual poem and the rest is me yammering.

The first image, in honor of National Poetry Month, is "Poetry" by Alphonse Mucha, part of his series on the Arts.

Eldest Daughter says I should have written a script or at least a cue sheet, because my discussion is so unpolished -- but that was part of the point of doing it this way. I'm not a professional. I love poety, but I don't really know what to say about it beyond "It was nice and I liked it," which is about as sophisticated as my second-grade book reports were. I'm just a regular mom, and hey, if I can do it, you can too!

Many thanks to Dr Taylor and my classmates, Anne, Julie, and Daniel, for their insights and encouragement.


  1. Thank you for reading to us! It does make such a difference...I don't know you, but your voice is that of another human, and we connect in your lovingly making the words into sounds, and me hearing them and responding with thanks, for your work and for the truth and art of the poem. It's all wonderful!

  2. This is soooo beautiful. Your voice is so lovely.I too am thankful to you for sharing this with us. It was nice to now meet your voice!

  3. Gretchen, thanks for commenting! It's always great to hear from new people.

    Silvia, my favorite encourager -- thanks!

  4. That was fun! And I agree with Silvia ~ your voice is lovely.

    I have borrowed from the library two CDs of poetry read aloud by their authors. I love hearing the original author read his own work.

  5. Thanks, Dana. :-)

    Last year I posted a video of Yeats reading Innisfree, and William Carlos Williams reading the one about Breughal's Dance. I love that, too.

  6. Wonderful! Thanks for reading to us. I hope you'll do more!


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