Thursday, February 5, 2004

How do you feel about bones?
Yesterday we took our 14-year-old daughter to the orthodontist to see about getting braces.

Now, I always said we'd never do that for purely cosmetic purposes, so just to defend my pride here I have to say that she really does have a problem. Apparantly she suffered a mouth injury as an infant that caused her two front teeth to come in cattywhampus (if that's the word I want - one front tooth points forward and the other points backward).

Anyway, the funny thing was, as she was filling out one of the forms, she nudged me and said, "How do I answer that?"

The form said: How do you feel about your teeth?

After several minutes of giggling things like They feel smooth and hard, and It depends on what I'm eating, I told her, "Just pretend they asked you what you think about your teeth. Do you like them?"

She put down, "They feel fine. I just want them to be straight."


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