Thursday, July 29, 2004

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for:
1.  the break from the heat we had this week - we've had cooler weather and lots of rain, which is unusual for this time of year, and in fact, it was so cool on Monday that I didn't have to run the air conditioner all day!
2.  our Wednesday night Bible study - we have a small group that meets at the base chapel to study R.C. Sproul's Dust to Glory series, and yesterday we were unable to get the key to the fellowship hall, so we called around and asked everyone to come to our house for the Bible study, and they did, and it was a lot of fun
3.  my 13 year old son who is diligently studying his math right now because he wants to be an engineer when he grows up and design and fly airplanes

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