Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Better late than never?
My sister asked, "What would you tell a 27 yr old that is afraid shes gonna be alone forever but doesnt want to be?"

Weeks late, but here it is. Procrastination does NOT pay off. A month ago, I knew how to answer this, but because I figured it would not be a Nice, Encouraging Post, I delayed, hoping I could think of some other way to say what has to be said, but I fear it cannot be done, and now because I've piddled around so long, it's even harder to find the right words.

Sweetie, there's not much to say that you haven't already heard before. You know that God is sovereign and you know that he loves you and you know that you should trust him to work all things together for your good. I don't have anything new or particularly encouraging to add, so I will pray for you.

Almighty God, whose Son had nowhere to lay his head:
Grant that Anne Marie may not be lonely in her solitude,
but that, following in his steps, she may find fulfillment
in loving you and her neighbors;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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