Monday, October 25, 2004

In my post last Thursday, I referred to my three-and-a-half-year-old son. He just informed me that he's not three and a half, he's four. I do not know where my brain has gone. It's not like this snuck up on me, or anything. I mean, he's been four since July. :-p

Define yourself
Somehow I missed the Triangulate! meme when it made the rounds last year, but Jon Amos revived it on his blog and it's so fun I'm passing it along now. From the game's creator: "[T]he idea of the game is to identify three facets of your personality. You can use 3 movies, 3 musical genres, 3 songs, 3 authors, 3 cars, 3 occupations, etc. to try to shows different sides of who you are. For example, I would say I'm one part banker, one part interior designer, and one part English teacher. Of course, these three things don't entirely define who I am, but they give you some idea of what I think about myself."

For now, I'm defining myself in terms of color. I am
1 part purple
1 part blue
1 part gray

Go ahead, try it. Define yourself.

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